Fate, Karma and Reincarnation. Knowledge for The New Time. Speaker Dr. Jens Rohrbeck, www.fateandreincarnation.com Contact Iren Kun, 07504 451954, info@fateandreincarnation.com TALK STARTS AT 7pm.
Plastic Paradise - The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Friday, October 7th Wild Goose Space, St Werburghs Doors open 7pm Tickets - £5 (all profits to Surfers Against Sewage) Tea and flapjack available! Competition and Prizes! Fundraiser: In October event organiser Gary Seabrook will walk the Camino de Santiago. This is a 482 mile walk on the … Continue reading Fundraising Film Screening
Healthy City Week. The event will be a friendly, informative and light hearted experience. We take health seriously but fun and relaxation are better aids to optimal wellbeing than terribly serious work! The cost of £25 is less than half the normal £60 for the day in order to make it accessible as part of … Continue reading Healthy City Week
Bristol Goddess Group celebrating Goddess Samhaim with ritual, song, story telling and gratitude at Celtic New Year 7.30pm to 9pm Contact Vena on :- venalbunker@hotmail.co.uk