10 events found.
Shiatsu Paul McNicholls
Shiatsu – Paul McNicholls Contact paul@shiatsutherapy.org.uk
Opening to the Beloved
‘ Opening to the Beloved – The Sacred Way of Heart’ www.openingtothebeloved.co.uk
PANArt Music Therapy Retreat
PANArt Music Therapy Retreat Christopher Baron
Private Hire
Gemma Townsend
TRE Event
Linda Johnson
TRE Event
TRE Event Linda Johnson.
Women’s Circle
Paloma Suarez Whispering Moon Women’s Circle: a space to explore and celebrate our creativity in a magical and non-judgmental setting. Sharing the nourishment of women being together. Every second Thursday of the month at the Wild Goose Space thisearth.info@gmail.com
Private Hire
Sarah Cunningham
Positive Birth Group
Bristol Positive Birth Group.
Yoga With Rachel
Yoga with Rachel Fleming Contact Rachel, mcroodle@icloud.com