Caroline Reid

Caroline Reid Contact.

Elanora Ferry

A celebration of the working life of Elanora Ferry Private Event

Private Hire

Private Hire. Linda Johnson

Georgian Choir

Georgian Choir  with Anthony Johnson. Every Monday evening 7.30pm to 9.30pm during Term time. Contact Anthony 07950 052100

Juicy Living for Body and Soul

Anna Grace Jacobs   Monthly Thursday Evening Series 7pm to 9.30pm Linked to Meet Up - BHristol Transformation Group. 07809 886710 /

Portuguese Pop Up Restaurant

Portuguese Pop Up Restaurant. Clare's Festa Food.           6.30pm to 9.30pm. PORTUGUESE BUFFET WITH AN ENGLISH TWIST Bookings only to

BWY Diploma with Andrea

British Wheel of Yoga Teaching Dimploma  With Andrea Newman Contact

Fate, Karma and Reincarnation

Fate, Karma and Reincarnation. Knowledge for The New Time. Speaker Dr. Jens Rohrbeck, Contact Iren Kun, 07504 451954, TALK STARTS AT 7pm.